set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set title "Calc_Pi benchmark results and fit: Time" set xlabel "Number of digits" set ylabel "Time (s)" set logscale x 10 set logscale y 10 plot '-' using 1:2 title "y-cruncher 0.5.5" with lines, \ '' using 1:2 title "y-cruncher 0.6.2 alpha" with lines, \ '' using 1:2 title "CalcPi MSVC 64 1.0 (MPIR 2.6.0)" with lines, \ '' using 1:2 title "CalcPi MinGW64 (MPIR 2.6.0, optimized for AVX)" with lines, \ '' using 1:2 title "CalcPi GCC Linux 64 1.0 (GMP 5.0.2)" with lines 10000 0.021 12000 0.018 15000 0.019 20000 0.020 25000 0.021 40000 0.025 50000 0.027 75000 0.032 100000 0.037 120000 0.043 150000 0.048 200000 0.060 250000 0.073 400000 0.123 500000 0.147 750000 0.207 1000000 0.256 1200000 0.307 1500000 0.386 2000000 0.515 2500000 0.626 4000000 0.991 5000000 1.174 7500000 1.550 10000000 2.043 12000000 2.535 15000000 3.134 20000000 4.306 25000000 5.498 40000000 9.393 50000000 12.011 100000000 26.849 250000000 79.373 500000000 177.783 e 25000000 4.339 50000000 9.545 100000000 21.272 e 16000 0.0047025 32000 0.0088201 64000 0.0164282 128000 0.0322162 390625 0.141387 781250 0.262948 1.5625e+006 0.608355 3.125e+006 1.42032 6.25e+006 3.28552 1.25e+007 7.56199 2.5e+007 17.2554 5e+007 39.5122 1e+008 88.983 250000000 263.8 500000000 586.7 e 390625 0.128259 1.75276 781250 0.257568 1.53912 1.5625e+006 0.599462 1.19513 3.125e+006 1.38916 0.613063 6.25e+006 3.23101 -0.288613 1.25e+007 7.52145 -1.48525 2.5e+007 17.1873 -2.79358 5e+007 39.173 -2.75605 1e+008 88.049 2.22341 250000000 259.1 500000000 580.4 e 390625 0.125943 1.63837 781250 0.290293 1.45689 1.5625e+06 0.661297 1.13623 3.125e+06 1.49953 0.591129 6.25e+06 3.41355 -0.261505 1.25e+07 7.78821 -1.42016 2.5e+07 17.6012 -2.67386 5e+07 39.8575 -2.5508 1e+08 88.7585 2.08372 e